Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mommy's Earrings

One morning I placed a pair of my earrings on my daughter to remind her all day of how much I love her.

Later, having received a call about the day she had, I folded my precious girl into my arms to ask about it. Her response? "It was great!" Hands to her ears, she looked up and said, "See Mommy! The earrings worked!" Puzzled, I asked what she meant. She then explained that as she felt my earrings in her ears - she could feel my love - and that’s why she’d had "the greatest day ever!"

My prayer for you today is that you experience LOVE in such a profound, childlike way that your perspective is completely transformed. As you encounter circumstances, from the trivial to the catastrophic, may you be more acutely aware of the magnitude of His love for you than the magnitude of the troubles you face.


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